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Dentistry Uncovered!

The trouble with our pets' mouths is that so much is hidden from easy view. Owners find it difficult to look inside mouths and our pets often hide signs of dental pain very well.

The first step is to get advice from your veterinary team. Hopefully everything is fine, you will be reassured and given help on how to keep your pets' mouth healthy long term.

However, it may be that we discover that your pet has a dental problem that needs treatment. Unfortunately this is where the next hidden issue is. In dentistry a large amount of knowledge is gained from looking below the gum level. This cannot be done without dental X-rays.

Digital, dental X-rays are an essential part of your dentist's assessment and treatment of your teeth and an essential part of your vet's assessment and treatment of your pets teeth. The knowledge gained from dental X-rays may make treatment quicker and easier, or it may show problems that would otherwise go unnoticed.

Many dogs and cats will eat regardless of dental pain making it difficult to know when there is a problem. Help your pet today and get their teeth checked.